Cooper and I

Cooper and I
what keeps me going each and every day; <3

Sunday, March 27, 2011

i am greatful for you.

I never really realized how much I love my family, and how greatful for them I am.

Daddy; You honestly are such a wierd person. Like the oddest of the odd.. But I love it. You just do whatever you feel like doing and say whatever you feel like saying. The best part about you though is that you don't realize what a nerd you are you just are being yourself and I pee my pants! You have such a funny personality and I love spending time with you. You give me everything that I want and need. And when I am having a hard time you always know how to cheer me up. I am so lucky to have you as a father, I love you to death daddy.

Mommy; You are a creeper, but that is why I love you. I most definitley get my attitude from you. I also get my shopping addiction from you. You bug me sometimes, we bug each other. We clash like no other, but you are my mother and I love you. You always know when something is right or what do to when I am not feeling good. And I am 16 years old and you still don't know what I like on my sandwhich, but that is another reason I love you. You are oblivious and it makes me pee my pants. I love you momma.

Taylor; You are the greatest sister in this whole wide world, you understand every detail of my life. You laugh at literally everything I say, and you are always there for me when I need someone the most. You have been with me through the hardest times in my life and I am so greatful that I have you in my life. I can't believe that you are graduating high school soon, I am not ready for you to leave me. I love you to the moon and back Tay.

Logan; You are a goon. I know that most days we don't get along and we push each others buttons everyday just because. But I really do love you so much. You are my only little brother and you are going to be the cutest boyfriend ever. I love you little bro.

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